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Current spinning project

A little over 2 years ago, while I was teaching at the Vermont Witchcamp, I was sitting watching some goats. They seemed to be telling me "to sit and listen." I kept listening, but they simply didn't say much to me. I also kept thinking about the fact that I have so many different interests that it seems like I need to find the one thread that is my life. Upon arriving at home, I talked with my friend, "Lizard," who said, spin mohair; the hair from an angora goat. So I bought a drop spindle and roving and started playing. Needless to say, my yarn was thick and chunky and it was "hard work" to spin. However, at some point, I got it. After a year of playing with the drop spindle I brought my Kromski Spinning Wheel and began spinning.


That was last September and I love my spinning wheel and I still spin on my drop spindle. I get all my roving and spinning supplies from Morgaine at Carolina Home Spun. My current project is from her Three Bags Full collection of roving. The color is Lapis Lazuli and it is a blend of merino, rambouillet, with some tussah silk, and white tencel. My goal is to make a vest out of it, or if there is enough my first sweater.



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